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M. Schranz, M. Umlauft, W. Elmenreich. Bottom-up Job Shop Scheduling with Swarm Intelligence in Large Production Plants.11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), pp. 6, July 2021.

W. Elmenreich, A. Schnabl, M. Schranz.An artificial hormone-based algorithm for production scheduling from the bottom-up. 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence(ICAART 2021), pp. 296-303. February, 2021.


W. Elmenreich.Computerchip-Produktion nach dem Vorbild Tierschwarm. Der Standard.10, July, 2020.


H. Gursch, D. Cemernek, A. Wuttei, R. Kern.Cyber-Physical Systems as Enablers in Manufacturing Communication and Worker Support. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Workshop Mensch und Computer (MUC 2019), pp. 481-485, Bonn, Germany, September, 2019.

E. Khatmi, W. Elmenreich, K. Wogatai, M.Schranz, M. Umlauft, W. Laure, A. Wuttei. Swarm Intelligence Layer to Control Autonomous Agents (SWILT). 1st Research Project Showcase Workshop co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2019), pp. 91-95, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July, 2019.

M. Schranz. Was ist Schwarmintelligenz. Mini-Max 1. Kärntner Zeitung für Schule und Freizeit mit den Schwerpunkten Kärnten, Englisch und Unterhaltung. Issue 113, pp.22-23, Jan/Feb 2019.
This is not a scientific publication but an explanation of Swarm Intelligence for a kid’s magazine. We think that informing children about research is an important issue for future generation of researchers, therefore we proudly list this article here.


M. Schranz.Technik bringt die Industrie ins Schwärmen. Kleine Zeitung. 3. November 2018.

M. Schranz.Swilt resarch project: Swarming to production. BABEG. 22. October 2018.

M. Schranz.Schwärme erobern die Produktion. Universität Klagenfurt, Forschungsnews. 10. October 2018.

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